HUD requires the establishment and operation of a CoC within specific geographic areas. BTG is that local planning body on the neighbor islands that coordinates a wide array of housing and supportive services for at-risk and homeless families and individuals. BTG consists of representatives from organizations including nonprofit homeless assistance providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, governments, private businesses, public housing agencies, school districts, health agencies, affordable housing developers, law enforcement, veteran organizations, and homeless and formerly homeless individuals.
BTG is comprised of three distinct local chapters representing Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii counties. The BTG Board of Directors executes the responsibilities of the CoC through its officers and board members selected by each chapter.
The BTG Governance Charter details the roles and responsibilities of the Board, BTG committees, HMIS Lead, and the Collaborative Applicant; and describes processes and procedures pertaining to CoC operational duties and standards of conduct.
The BTG Organizational Structure is a visual tool which defines the hierarchy within the CoC. It identifies lines of authority and the flow of communication between each group.
An effective Coordinated Entry System is a critical component to any community’s efforts to to prevent and end homelessness. HUD required that BTG establish a “Centralized” or “Coordinated Assessment System”, which helps to ensure that resources are allocated as effectively as possible and that these resources are easily accessible to homeless families and individiuals throughout the community.
The BTG CES Manual establishes written standards for consistent, transparent and impartial access to housing and support services interventions. The written standards describe who will be prioritized for assistance and define specific roles and responsibilites of access points and local county conveners.
This notice establishes requirements related to the development and use of a coordinated entry system. It provides guidance on additional policies that CoCs and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) recipients should consider incorporating into written policies and procedures to achieve improved outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.
BTG invites all interested stakeholders to attend and participate in chapter meetings and encourages membership through the local chapter. The following are the meeting schedules for the Community Alliance Partners (CAP; Hawaii County), Kauai Community Alliance (KCA) and the Maui Homeless Alliance (MHA).