Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program

The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Through EHV, HUD has provided 214 housing choice vouchers to neighbor island Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) in order to assist individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.

HUD EHV Resources

Click on the following HUD EHV link to learn more about this program and to access EHV resources including webinars, policy notices, and FAQs.

BTG’s EHV Implementation

BTG has partnered with each of the three rural county PHAs to administer the EHVs with the purpose of providing sustainable permanent housing for households meeting HUD & BTG eligibility criteria. HUD's eligibility criteria are outlined in the PIH Notice that can be accessed from the link above, while BTG has expanded its CES Prioritization specifically for the EHV Program. BTG's CES prioritization along with the voucher distribution by rural county can be found below.  County CES conveners refer eligible households to Collaborative Applicant, Ka Mana O Na Helu (KMNH) based on these eligibility criteria, KMNH then reviews, and if approved forwards to the local PHA for final vetting and approval.

Voucher Distribution by Rural County (214 Total Vouchers)

Kauai County (28 Vouchers)

A. Recently Homeless: 10 Vouchers
B. Literally Homeless: 18 Vouchers
Unused vouchers from category A will be reallocated to category B

Maui County (76 Vouchers)

A. Domestic Violence: 2 Vouchers
B. Molokai: 7 Vouchers (Recently Homeless or Literally Homeless)
C. Recently Homeless: 30 Vouchers
D. Literally Homeless: 36 Vouchers (24 High Acuity and 12 Low Acuity)
E. Port-In: 1 Voucher absorbed through port-in
Unused vouchers from categories A, B, and C will be reallocated to category D

Hawaii County (110 Vouchers)

A. Recently Homeless
B. Literally Homeless
C. Domestic Violence
D. At-Risk
All eligible households in each category must be exhausted before households in the next category can be served beginning with category A

The EHV Dashboard

The EHV Dashboard provides updates on leasing, issuances, unit utilization, and information on voucher awards and funding by PHA. Users can navigate the dashboard and filter data as needed.


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm


Prince Kuhio Day - Wed, Mar 26, 2025
Good Friday - Fri, Apr 18, 2025
Memorial Day - Mon, May 26, 2025