Bridging The Gap (BTG) Dashboards

View the following BTG dashboards containing data for Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii counties.

Homeless Non-Family Households

Census Data

Displays characteristics of adult household homelessness (no children under 18 within the HH) on the neighbor islands as of the last updated date for the four key homeless project types including outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and rapid re-housing w/o a housing move-in date. The dashboard data is unduplicated, refreshed weekly, and filterable by county, program type, project, and organization. The data can be used to understand and implement strategies centered around preventing and reducing adult household homelessness for BTG.

Homeless Families

Census Data

Displays characteristics of family homelessness on the neighbor islands as of the last updated date for the four key homeless project types including outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and rapid re-housing w/o a housing move-in date. The dashboard data is unduplicated, refreshed weekly, and filterable by county, program type, project, and organization. The data can be used to understand and implement strategies centered around preventing and reducing family homelessness for BTG.

Homeless Veteran Households

Census Data

Displays characteristics of veteran homelessness on the neighbor islands as of the last updated date for the four key homeless project types including outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and rapid re-housing w/o a housing move-in date. The dashboard data is unduplicated, refreshed weekly, and filterable by county, program type, project, and organization. The data can be used to understand and implement strategies centered around preventing and reducing veteran homelessness for BTG.

Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV)

Emergency Housing Voucher Program

The EHV dashboard offers unprecedented transparency and accountability for this new special purpose voucher program. The dashboard provides daily updates on leasing, issuances, and unit utilization, and information on voucher awards and funding by PHA.

Homeless Services Utilization

System Performance

The following homeless services utilization dashboards from state fiscal year 2018 to 2023 (July - June) build upon the reporting framework established by the University of Hawaii, Center on the Family (UH). The data used to produce the tables and charts is pulled from BTG’s HMIS and the dashboards presented leverage Tableau’s filtering and data visualization properties to enhance the utility of the data.

Metrics That Matter

System Performance

The dashboard presents key performance metrics using unduplicated annual outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and rapid re-housing data. The data can be filtered to display metrics that matter by BTG region and state fiscal year (Jul-Jun).

HUD System Performance Measure Comparisons

System Performance

The dashboards contain HUD System Performance Measure comparison data from 2015-2022 for all CoCs nationally.

HPO Funded Shelter Programs

System Performance

The dashboards show outcomes for each shelter program, ordered by the percent exiting to permanent housing.

Homeless Inflow & Outflow

Inflow & Outflow

Displays homeless Inflow and Outflow data for Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii counties.

2022-2024 Unsheltered PIT by State Legislative District

PIT Count

This dashboard displays 2022 - 2024 Unsheltered Point-In-Time Count data by State Legislative District. The buttons in the upper left switch between State Senate or House maps. The filters in the upper right update the statistics, map points, and pie charts based on selection. Clicking anywhere in the district region in the map window will display legislator contact info. The Hawai`i State Legislature page provides more information for all legislators.

Homeless Point-In-Time Counts (2015-2024)

PIT Count

Displays Point-In-Time data from 2015-2024 for sheltered and unsheltered homeless components within Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii counties.

GIS Unsheltered Point-In-Time Count (2024)

PIT Count

View 2024 Unsheltered Point-In-Time Count characteristics with geolocation data collected during the count by rural county.

CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG-CV)

COVID-19 Relief Programs

These dashboards show funding allocation, numbers served, exit destination and length of stay data for projects funded under this program.


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm


Statehood Day - Fri, Aug 16, 2024
Labor Day - Mon, Sep 2, 2024
Columbus Day - Mon, Oct 14, 2024